Friday 25 May 2012

How Can We Cope with the Dirty Water from Fracking?

News | Energy & Sustainability

Advanced membranes, unusual solvents and new drilling processes could clean up and recycle a growing flood of contaminated water

frackingFRACKED WATER: Hydraulic fracturing requires millions of liters of water, and some way of coping with the dirty water that results. Image: ? David Biello

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The nation's oil and gas wells produce at least nine billion liters of contaminated water per day, according to an Argonne National Laboratory report. And that is an underestimate of the amount of brine, fracking fluid and other contaminated water that flows back up a well along with the natural gas or oil, because it is based on incomplete data from state governments gathered in 2007.

The volume will only get larger, too: oil and gas producers use at least 7.5 million liters of water per well to fracture subterranean formations and release entrapped hydrocarbon fuels, a practice that has grown in the U.S. by at least 48 percent per year in the last five years, according to the Energy Information Administration. The rise is quickest in places such as the oil-bearing Bakken Formation in North Dakota or the natural gas-rich Marcellus Shale underlying parts of New York State, Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia.

The problem is that the large volumes of water that flow back to the surface along with the oil or gas are laced with everything from naturally radioactive minerals to proprietary chemicals. And there are not a lot of cost-effective options for treating it, other than dumping it down a deep well. But as certain states that are experiencing drought begin to restrict industrial water usage, fossil-fuel companies are experimenting with traditional and untraditional water treatment chemistries and technologies to try to clean this dirty water?or limit its use in the first place.

Recycling is not enough
The first option is to reuse wastewater in whatever ways possible. For fracking, "to the extent possible, fracturing fluid is recovered and recycled for reuse in future fracturing operations," says Reid Porter, a spokesman for the American Petroleum Institute, an industry group. "Recycling of flow-back water reduces demand for freshwater and reduces the need for disposal of wastewater."

But that water still has to be cleaned before it is reused, otherwise it loses the ability to do its subterranean dirty work. Simply dumping it improperly is not an option, because the high levels of salts and minerals will poison a river, stream or aquifer or it will render land incapable of supporting life for generations, like the salt pans of Utah or the ancient farm fields of Carthage salted by the Roman army. The cleansing technologies employed range from high-tech membranes that selectively filter out specific contaminants to the crude solution of boiling away the water, leaving scales of salts and other minerals behind on the walls of the boiler.

"Most of what we get out of the water are salts and a low-level of organics" (hydrocarbons and other contaminating carbon-based molecules), explains environmental engineer Steve Hopper, executive vice president of the industrial business group at Veolia Water, which is helping oil and gas companies cope with such "produced" water. "We have an example in California where we treated the water until it was so pure we had to add minerals back into it to be able to discharge it." The problem, thus far, has been cost, although Hopper argues Veolia's technologies add only "5 percent" to the cost of a given well.

A diversity of waters
To add to the challenge of sheer volume, the water produced by each oil and gas well is often different?with varying levels of acidity, saltiness or types of contaminants, whether dissolved hydrocarbons or heavy metals leached from the surrounding rock.

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Why online gaming is the new gambling ? Damian Thompson ? The ...

In this extract from his new book on addiction, social commentator Damian Thompson explains why online social gaming has replaced gambling as a disorder of choice.

?Daddy, when are you coming to bed??

In a basement office in Gillingham, Kent, a former nightclub bouncer is clocking up his twelfth consecutive hour on the online role-playing game Second Life. Dennis, 48, runs his own security consulting firm: a job that doesn?t require much of his time but provides a comfortable income for his family. But the time he used to spend painting, reading and chatting to his wife is now entirely consumed by Second Life.

Most days, Dennis never gets dressed. He insists that meals be brought down to him in the basement according to a specific schedule, to coincide with arrangements for ?virtual meetings? that he has set up with other characters in the game. One of his daughters, four-year-old Lily, is used to hearing the sound of a bell ringing loudly from down below.

?Tea bell!? she says, cheerfully. When the drink is delivered, Dennis?s eyes don?t leave the screen. Occasionally he murmurs a weak thank-you, but he barely notices food and drink arriving, and he often doesn?t remember eating it.

In Second Life, Dennis plays nine distinct characters to obscure the fact that he plays so much. Each has an entire back story, and he has invented imaginary real-world ?owners? to go along with each of them. One character, Sabrina, is supposed to be ?Lesley? in real life: a 22-year-old student from Maidstone who chats, shops and deals in virtual real estate when she?s not revising for her exams.

A key feature of Second Life is that, if you really know what you?re doing, you can make quite a lot of (real) money by dealing in virtual property. Dennis estimates that he makes $2,000 a month from online real estate. These are modest sums by a serious virtual realtor?s standards, but Dennis isn?t there for the money.

Truth be told, he can?t tell you why he is ? only that, every morning, he wakes three hours before his wife and immediately goes downstairs, locks himself in his ?den?, and loads the game. He admits that he likes the social element to it: he enjoys making up new personalities. And he also likes the way the game is designed to give what he calls ?regular feedback?: a sense that his actions have big consequences.

?A few clicks, and castle shimmers into view, which I can decorate and start a family in,? he says. ?Provided I have enough Linden dollars.? Linden dollars are Second Life?s currency, part of the complex set of reward systems engineered into the game.

Dennis is typical of the most compulsive class of Second Life user ? the ones you see in forums explaining that their families are falling apart and that they can?t hold down jobs. But he denies he is addicted to the game. ?Yeah, maybe I spend a bit too much time in front of the computer,? he says. ?But I?m not hurting anyone.?

What he doesn?t tell me, but his wife does, is that last month she threatened to move out of the house, taking his two daughters with her.

* * *

?Sometimes I would love to throw my phone and computer out the window. Not because I?m frustrated with them, but because I feel that they are glued to me and drain me of all energy.?

Ashley, writing on the Tokyo Housewife blog, is not the first American woman to become dependent on technology. While most obsessive internet users are male, academics are increasingly noting that women ? especially those in their thirties and forties ? are catching up fast.

Where previously American housewives were addicted to gambling and to bidding wars on eBay, now they?re becoming obsessed with simplistic games that have refined the reward dynamics of those two pastimes.

With eBay, users have to wait a week to receive whatever they?ve won. Gambling sites often trick players into spending too much money too quickly, which can cause trouble with husbands. But, while there?s a limit to how much you can realistically spend within FarmVille, there seems no limit to the numbers of rewards and encouragements the game gives you to continue.

For the women who play these games, the ?virtual goods? they collect are just as real as their eBay purchases. ?These housewives are still spending money, but rather than having a garage full of junk they don?t need, they?re the proud owners of cattle and tractors on farm estates in Facebook,? says one technology journalist. ?Whether that?s a step forward or a step back, I don?t know.?

Are these women addicted to the internet? Do a Google search on ?internet addiction? and you?ll find tests, self-help guides, articles about gamers dying from starvation, and thousands upon thousands of newspaper articles and pieces of academic research on the phenomenon.

A classic horror story surfaced in February 2012, when a Taiwanese man died while playing video games at an internet caf? in Taipei. Dozens of other patrons carried on for hours afterwards, apparently unaware that they were sitting near a corpse. Police said that a waitress found the 23-year-old sitting rigidly on a chair with his hands stretched out. He may have been dead for nine hours. Despite his youth, however, he did have a history of heart problems and may have been killed by low temperatures. So he wasn?t a victim of internet addiction, unless you choose to define it extremely loosely.

Most psychiatrists are suspicious of the term internet addiction, with good reason. In my opinion, it?s best avoided: it?s a bit like saying people are addicted to pubs rather than to alcohol. Logging on to the internet is like flicking between shopping channels, each dedicated to a different compulsion. Shouldn?t we be blaming the underlying compulsions themselves rather than the technology that mediates them?

This isn?t to deny that, for many people, it?s getting harder and harder to drag themselves away from the internet. The addictive aura of these websites is becoming stronger ? and it?s undoubtedly the technology that?s tightening the screws.

Everyone knows that online gambling, gaming and pornography are addictive. It?s less well known that their addictive potential is constantly being refined ? dangerously so in the case of porn, as we?ll see in the next chapter. Also, the lessons designers learn from experiments with gambling and porn are being applied to online pursuits that, on the face of it, seem too innocent and childlike to get people seriously hooked.

As the case of Dennis illustrates, it isn?t just children who are getting trapped in cyberspace. Increasingly, we?re taking our toys with us into adulthood. Like those fun cognitive-enhancing drugs, social technology is meddling with the boundaries between ?work? and ?play?. Where previously a service like Twitter, which is essentially a chat application like the MSN Messenger of the 1990s, would have been regarded as a social plaything, it?s now part of the professional arsenal of communicative tools ? sometimes even replacing email as a primary means of communication in the office.

But Twitter is different from email in important ways. Like other ?web 2.0? products of the past decade, it is becoming increasingly ?gamified?, as product companies pick up tips from gaming engineers about how to keep people hooked on their services. Your old email client was never designed to keep you in it for as long as possible, but Twitter is.

And consider Foursquare, an application that lets you ?check in? to real world venues to let your friends know where you are at any given moment. (Mysteriously, the need to check in is felt most strongly by users when they are eating in a swanky restaurant or arriving in an exotic foreign city.) Foursquare awards ?badges? for various levels of accomplishments ? ?achievements?, they?re called ? using language and user interface elements that are plucked straight from a video game.

Applications developers look to social gaming companies such as Zynga in San Francisco for tips when building their products, because they know that the games its engineers create are among the most addictive experiences on the internet.

One of the ways developers such as Zynga keep people hooked is with ?design cues?, elements of the user interface that signal some sort of reward. These get people excited and, like other addictive cues, generate dopamine.

In the case of Zynga?s FarmVille, players receive visual hits every time they accomplish a task: for example, when they water or harvest a square of crops, they?re treated to a short animation and cutesy sound effect. And as they watch the gold coins they?ve earned from growing and selling pile up in their virtual handbags, and are also rewarded for their actions with the pleasing ?whoosh? sound, they?re encouraged to repeat those actions.

What?s interesting is that such actions should be ?rewarded? at all. People who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorders rarely derive any reward from them, but in this case meaningless, repetitive OCD-style actions are encouraged rather than frowned upon. It?s not by accident that these pieces of software deluge the user with little fixes of social reinforcement and ego massage.

Significantly, these tricks are being picked up by non-gaming software companies. Modern applications are engineered to provide dozens of little hits per hour: the modern computer is becoming overloaded with intrusive notifications from Skype, Twitter, email, Facebook and any other software with a communication component. There?s a piece of software for Macintosh computers called Growl that was specifically designed to streamline the various notifications.

In practice, it?s almost as invasive as the higgledy-piggledy world of individual notifications: it showers dozens of translucent rectangles across the screen every time a programme wants your attention. Infuriating, you might think. But the people who install Growl welcome the distraction. It makes them feel needed ? and if the stream of notifications slows down they wonder why.

The user interfaces of applications that perform perfunctory office functions are beginning to resemble dashboards. Apple?s OS X actually has a dashboard. The Dock, from which applications can be launched, has red status indicators ? which are there to tell you, for example, that you have unread email. They are lifted directly from the video games of the late 1990s.

The result of this crafty borrowing is that people find it ever more difficult to drag themselves away from the screen. They admit as much, even if they don?t use the word ?addicted?. But in terms of stickiness and brain-hijacking, every operating system pales in comparison with the latest video games.

* * *

Online gaming is the new gambling, and its growth in the last decade has been explosive. Gaming appears to be replacing online gambling as the addict?s poison of choice. It does an even better job than virtual roulette wheels at hanging on to players.

Dennis used to gamble and drink excessively in his twenties and thirties. When he found himself with less disposable income in his early forties, these pursuits became less readily available. But business picked up again as he approached fifty ? and so did his addictive behaviour. Presented with the choice of returning to drinking and the blackjack table or throwing himself into computer games, he chose a digital fix he could enjoy from his swivel chair.

Like many gaming addicts, Dennis was also lured in by the false impression that no money was changing hands in Second Life. He purchases Linden dollars with money from his PayPal account ? but, as he says: ?It?s like the foreign currency you spend on holiday. You don?t think of it as real expenditure. At least, not until you check your fucking bank statements.?

The impetus for the switch from gambling to gaming was a law passed by the US government in 2006. After several failed attempts, Congress made online betting illegal and prevented any company from providing it to the US. The reverberations were felt worldwide.

Jason Trost is an American who was forced to move to the UK in 2008 to establish his online betting company, Smarkets. He says: ?As it stands, many Americans engage in illegal online betting with offshore operators. But, obviously, the number of people gambling online in the US has been dramatically slashed since the law changed. These people are now looking for something else to do.

?Of course, with the big online US gambling providers getting shut down overnight, the global gambling scene became much more fragmented.?

Game developers had been watching enviously for years as people got hooked on internet gambling. That?s why so many former online gambling mechanics are now being recruited by gaming companies. These people aren?t so much game programmers or gambling programmers: they?re brain-hijackers with transferable skills, as one Silicon Valley gaming company CEO explained privately:

* * *

We have a lot more flexibility than the old gambling sites did, in a way. They have to build experiences around real-world games like roulette and slot machines. We don?t. We can make up whatever we like, and toy with the mechanics behind the scenes to keep users engaged.

We design an environment in which losses are insignificant and there are regular reassurance mechanisms. Then we make modifications to that environment and monitor which combinations of punishment and encouragement keep users playing for longer. We engineer the game very precisely to keep players enjoying it for the longest possible time, and we use complex software to help us monitor what the entire installed user base of players is doing with their copy of the game.

We are learning what works by measuring it ? we don?t have to guess. That?s what is so great about these new mobile social platforms ? they offer us so much real-time data about the users.?

* * *

In other words, as Rovio?s Peter Vesterbacka said in the opening chapter, they just run the numbers.

Games don?t only use rewards as a way of keeping players hooked: they also invent obstacles, or ?frustrations?. Carefully engineered frustrations exist in games of all complexities. For example, every so often a level is made significantly more difficult to complete than the last one. Often, the hurdle can be overcome by paying your way out of it ? by purchasing a ?power pack?, for example, via in-app purchasing. (Needless to say, purists look down their noses at these short-cuts.)

Even an apparently simple game like Angry Birds has little tricks up its sleeve to coax players out of a few more cents. Not everyone finds the game as easy to play as the whizzkids who get three stars on every level. For those who struggle, an in-app purchase called the Mighty Eagle is available. The Mighty Eagle will clear any level the player is struggling to complete. It costs $0.99 and can be reused infinitely.

?The thing about in-app purchases is that Apple has designed them to be as ?frictionless? as possible,? says the CEO quoted above, who was reluctant, like any app developer, to reveal too many ingredients of his secret sauce. ?You almost don?t realise you?ve made a purchase with iOS [Apple?s mobile operating system]. Once you?ve entered your email address, you can keep purchasing more virtual goods with a couple of clicks.

?It?s a nightmare when children get hold of their parents? iPhones and start tapping away. Their parents inevitably come to us for refunds. That tells you something about how easy it is to keep spending money: two-year-olds can do it.?

Today?s games offer a cornucopia of reward systems, each of them designed to toy with players? brains in a slightly different way. One of them is ?levelling up?, an acknowledgement of social status within the game and the 21st-century version of an old-fashioned game score. The players who put in the most hours get the highest rewards: they are given the opportunity, for example, to purchase more advanced weaponry than their peers. Showing off about your ?level? is intoxicating. Players feel anxious about their place in the social hierarchy of the game and devote ever more time to raising their score.

The games are carefully geared towards different categories of player. Boys are targeted with solitary but immersive fantasy universes, which are often better suited to consoles like the Xbox and PlayStation. If Call of Duty produces addiction in its players, it seems to be a characteristically male form of it.

But how do you addict women to gaming? Manufacturers have done a lot of research into this, and established that women enjoy social games that are played out in a context that includes contact with strangers and, often, a chat feature. FarmVille and Words with Friends are designed with these innate gender differences in mind. Housewives who spend most of their day looking after the home or their children often crave interactions with adults. Their boredom has a special quality that games manufacturers exploit ruthlessly.

A game designer who has worked for the BBC told me, off the record: ?It?s well known in the industry that certain companies are quite deliberately making their products addictive. But it?s something that isn?t talked about very much, because it?s hardly something to be proud of.?

What we?re looking at here is the same clever opportunism displayed by coffee chains that force customers to pass by artfully arranged slices of carrot cake before they can order a cappuccino. The result in both cases is to create yet another social epidemic, born out of the marriage of marketing and reward-responsive brain chemistry. And yes, I know that using such language in these trivial contexts seems a bit pompous ? but, make no mistake about it, that?s what is going on.

In the words of one FarmVille addict: ?As I sit there, gazing at my pretty hedges and cherry trees, I feel like some lobotomised housewife from Mad Men.? Except, of course, she?s far from lobotomised: with every minutely calculated purchase she makes for her farm, the chemicals in her brain produce a delicious little surge of gratification.

* * *

Ryan van Cleave is an American professor whose life was turned upside down by World of Warcraft (fans call it ?WoW?). He published a book about his experiences in 2010. Van Cleave wasn?t as lucky as Dennis: his first chapter opens with an abortive suicide attempt he describes as the ?rock bottom? that jolted him into changing his habits. As van Cleave recounts his battle with WoW, he says things about gaming addiction which remind me of the obsessive behaviours we?ve examined in previous chapters.

In fact, remove the computer and his confessionals could have come from the pages of any drug addict?s or alcoholic?s memoirs. (Incidentally, van Cleave isn?t in fact the professor?s real name. He changed it in 2006 from Ryan G. Anderson. Van Cleave is the name of his World of Warcraft ?arena team?.)

Van Cleave, like Dennis, would often eat meals at the computer: ?microwave burritos, energy drinks, foods that required only one hand, leaving the other free to work the keyboard and mouse?.

World of Warcraft made him feel positively godlike: ?I have ultimate control and can do what I want with few real repercussions. The real world makes me feel impotent ? a computer malfunction, a sobbing child, a suddenly dead cellphone battery ? the littlest hitch in daily living feels profoundly disempowering.?

His academic career imploded thanks to his video game addiction. ?I took out a ton of student loans. That?s how a gamer handles something: put things off until tomorrow.?

Van Cleave distinguishes between ?intrinsic? reward strategies, which include a player?s position on the in-game ?hall of fame?, and ?extrinsic? rewards ? like the admiration of your friends after impressive in-game accomplishments. This is an arbitrary distinction. What matters is that we recognise the strategies of game developers who are intent on getting us ever more fixated on their products, their methods fortified by powerful data analysis tools and testing methods. These are made possible by new social platforms and pocket gaming systems like the iPhone. The point can?t be stressed enough: people aren?t getting addicted to these games by accident.

Game manufacturers love to tease players by offering them hints about the sorts of benefits they?ll get at the next level. For example, in Z2Live?s Battle Nations, the buildings you?re able to buy are shown in colour, with gold ?prices? next to them. The ones you can?t quite purchase yet are shown in grayscale. They feel tantalisingly close, but you can?t have them until you?ve put in the hours, or dropped the cash, to level up.

Game developers layer their creations with different sorts of feedback mechanisms: World of Warcraft has ?quest rewards?, ?talent points? and ?honour points? ? each designed to tease and tickle the brain?s reward systems in a slightly different way ? while Battle Nations encourages users to collect resources to build cosmetic improvements to their military camps. You can see how these games flirt with self-esteem: a college drop-out in Connecticut with acne and coke-bottle spectacles can be a mighty warlord online.

?When you look at the time people waste on these games, you discover that the simpler ones aren?t as dangerous, from the point of view of addiction,? says Kernel editor Milo Yiannopoulos. ?Angry Birds, for example, can be a mesmerising habit. But it?s more of a time-waster than a home-wrecker.

?It?s the large-scale games with the immersive fantasy universes that take over people?s lives. That?s partly because, like the famous Tetris game responsible for the Game Boy?s success, they are unwinnable. Angry Birds can be completed ? though there?s always the option of going back and reworking old levels to get higher scores, and of course fiendishly tricky new spin-offs are released every few months. But there?s no end to games like World of Warcraft.

?In other words, once it?s got you sucked in, only a trigger from the real world ? like a marriage breaking up, or a P45 landing on the doormat ? is likely to get you out again.?

* * *

As you might imagine, gaming is terrifically big business. To date, retail sales of just one franchise, Call of Duty, have topped $6 billion. One game in the series, called Black Ops, raked in $650 million after being on sale for just five days.

Modern Warfare 2 took $550 million over the same period. Its sequel, Modern Warfare 3, took a staggering $400 million in Britain and the United States after just 24 hours on sale. It was the highest-grossing entertainment launch ever, dramatically overshadowing every Hollywood blockbuster.

Subscription games are just as lucrative. In November 2008, there were an estimated 11.5 million World of Warcraft subscribers worldwide.

Market researchers Forrester predict that computer gaming will soon overtake both recording and film as the number one entertainment industry by gross revenue. Zynga is currently valued at $6 billion, with over 220 million users. Eight million of them are paying players. And Zynga is just one company, which makes games primarily for the Facebook platform. Other developers, like EA and Blizzard, are raking in fortunes from other subscription models and the high cost of purchase of console games.

Though the costs of gaming are relatively small ? subscriptions vary for the online fantasy games, but they?re generally well under $100 a month, and even the flashiest new console games only have a list price of $60 or so ? when users get hooked, as Dennis did, they often duplicate these amounts to maintain the parallel accounts required to sate their feverish appetites.

We?ve seen that the extraordinarily complicated reward mechanics engineered into modern games are designed, quite simply, to keep people playing for longer. Well, the tactics are working. So widespread is the phenomenon of video game addiction and related online obsessions that an entire secondary industry is springing up all over the world to cater specifically to those with addictions to gaming, texting, surfing and even email. There are 300 internet addiction clinics in China alone, catering to some of the estimated 17 million game and internet addicts in that country.

?They believe the virtual world is beautiful and fair,? says Dr Tao, one of the doctors pressing for internet addiction to be classified as a recognised mental disorder. ?In the real world, they become depressed, upset, and restless ? they are very unhappy.?

Tao says that as China?s culture and society undergoes unsettling transformations brought about by its rapid economic growth, its citizens are struggling to adapt. ?[Internet addicts] can?t adjust to school and society, so they try to escape their difficulties and avoid problems. They lack self-confidence and often don?t have the courage to continue their lives,? he says.

Jia Chunyang, a typical patient at the centre, stole money from his parents and went on a 15-day gaming bender at a local net caf? while his parents scoured the city looking for him. That was what landed him in internet ?boot camp?, as it?s been called. Note the similarity between his escapade and an alcoholic binge: the boy was physically as well as psychologically lost for over two weeks, which is a long time for even a bender to last.

Such problems aren?t restricted to the Far East. ReSTART, in Fall City, Washington ? appropriately, a suburb of computer-obsessed Seattle ? is one of America?s first specialised digital addiction treatment centres. Its 45-day rehabilitation course, which treats those addicted to gaming, texting and the internet, costs $14,000.

Ben Alexander, a graduate of the course, told the Associated Press how his addiction began at university. ?At first, it was a couple of hours a day. By midway through the first semester, I was playing 16 or 17 hours a day.?

Alexander claims the treatment, which involves ?counselling and psychotherapy sessions, doing household chores, working on the centre?s grounds, going on outings, exercising and baking cookies?, was a success. ?I don?t think I?ll go back to World of Warcraft anytime soon,? he said.

Even Angry Birds, which doesn?t wreak anything like the same levels of havoc on people?s lives, is responsible for some eyebrow-raising statistics. According to AYTM Market Research, 28 per cent of players reported feeling either ?always? or ?often? addicted to the game. Twelve per cent of people who have played it more than 25 times have deleted the app because they were worried it might eat up too much of their time. A further 12 per cent have considered a ?radical cure? for their habit.

According to this research, 58 per cent of regular players reported an improvement in their mood when they fired up the game ? clear evidence that Angry Birds is functioning as a portable and easily accessible quick fix for the millions of people who have installed the various editions of it on their mobile phones over 300 million times since it was released in December 2009.

* * *

It was inevitable, perhaps, that specialised websites should spring up to limit the damage caused by online gaming. One called enables World of Warcraft addicts to share their stories about quitting the game, and just as often failing to. Enabled by the same technology that encouraged players to get addicted in the first place, it?s a support group which provides a place for WoW players ? and their ?WoW widows? ? to share stories. There have been over 55,000 posts to date. Some make for reassuring reading:

I started playing the evil known as WoW in December of 2008. 3 years later and countless numbers of hours logged into this game and i can finally say that I am WoW free. I just finished my first month of not playing this game at all. I actually logged on a few nights ago to send gold to people that i knew and had real life conversations with whiel playing, although i knew sending them gold wont help them quit, i still shared my sympathy with them about how i would like for them to consider quitting just like me. This game makes you a social reject and always keeps you coming back for more. Just like all the other testimonials on this site, they are almost all true. This game is so bad in so many ways. IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE IF YOU LET IT!!!! I actually just got married on the 17th of december and honest to god, my gift to my wife was quitting this horribly addicting game. And let me tell you, the both of us have never been happier.

But other messages are less encouraging, suggesting that for those who quit WoW, the next temptation is just around the corner: ?Done playing WoW, i?ve moved onto Star Wars the Old Republic!? The messages reek of desperation, loneliness and helplessness.

Isolated teenagers often form the most significant relationships in their lives online. The consequences are often miserable. Former addicts point to the transitory nature of friendships born online: people become ?friends? too quickly, because in online role-playing games you need to be part of a crew to get the full experience. For example, in WoW you have to join a gang to participate in ?raids? on enemy stockpiles.

But these relationships end just as quickly. ?Friends? become another component in a player?s virtual arsenal ? an asset to be discarded when no longer useful. Friendships operate on an accelerated timescale. They become gamified.

Combine this ethos with the inbuilt volatility of social media interactions, and you end up with a generation of young gamers who have alarmingly ruthless approaches to ?friending? and ?deleting? other human beings ? something that?s a problem for users of social networks generally but is made worse by the competitive, impulsive ethos of the games themselves.

The most explicit video games create scenes of digital violence so extreme that they are closer to a serial killing rampage than even the bloodiest warfare. Some games even allow players to simulate an act of necrophilia on the body of a fallen opponent.

?Corpse-raping has become this cool joke among gamers,? explains Kevin, 24, himself a passionate gamer. ?The other day I saw my little brother get his character to squat on the face of a dead soldier and I was like, dude, what the fuck is going on? And he said, ?Don?t you know about corpse-raping?? ? as if it was the most normal thing in the world.?

The raging passions aroused by video games have provoked an interesting and occasionally bad-tempered debate in the media. Digital utopians, who seem to think anything with an on-switch is intrinsically a good thing, scoff at warnings about gaming addiction. On the other side of the fence there are anti-gaming campaigners such as Baroness Greenfield, who despite her professorship at Oxford University has often been accused of spreading portentous pseudoscience. Guardian columnist and author Ben Goldacre, a qualified psychiatrist, has criticised her for, among other things, failing to present her findings in a peer-reviewed academic paper.

Nevertheless, the latest research would appear to support some of Greenfield?s concerns. A 2009 paper in CyberPsychology and Behavior highlights some of the real-world consequences of excessive gaming and social networking for young people. These include the compulsive need to check status updates and the negative effects on interpersonal relationships caused by Facebook-engendered jealousy and feuding.

There?s also the cross-pollinating effect of addictive urges to consider. In March 2010, the novelist and video game addict Tom Bissell wrote a powerful article for the Observer in which he described his struggles with cocaine and Grand Theft Auto.

His ?cross-addiction?, as 12-step groups would describe it, began with a celebratory line of coke he shared with a friend the day he purchased a new instalment of the game. A toxic relationship between cocaine and videogaming soon established itself. He became unable to enjoy video games without getting high. ?I felt as intensely focused as a diamond-cutting laser,? he wrote of that defining moment. ?Grand Theft Auto was ready to go.?

Later, as his addiction took hold, Bissell began to feel powerless to resist the two obsessions.

Soon I was sleeping in my clothes. Soon my hair was stiff and fragrantly unclean. Soon I was doing lines before my Estonian class, staying up for days, curating prodigious nosebleeds and spontaneously vomiting from exhaustion.?Soon my pillowcases bore rusty coins of nasal drippage. Soon the only thing I could smell was something like the inside of an empty bottle of prescription medicine. Soon my bi-weekly phone call to my cocaine dealer was a weekly phone call.?Soon I was walking into the night, handing hundreds of dollars in cash to a Russian man whose name I did not even know, waiting in alleys for him to come back ? which he always did, though I never fully expected him to ? and retreating home, to my Xbox, to GTA IV, to the electrifying solitude of my mind at play in an anarchic digital world.?Soon I began to wonder why the only thing I seemed to like to do while on cocaine was play video games.

It would be interesting to know how many gamers are cross-addicted. A substantial number, I suspect, though the other addiction needn?t be drugs. Ryan van Cleave was prone to overeating and other obsessive behaviours.

Perhaps even more troubling, though, are the ways in which new social technology is encouraging dramatically anti-social behaviour.

Increasingly, the lives of people under 30 are being played out through social software and games. Social technology isn?t just helping them to express themselves by providing convenient ways to self-publish online, or by providing a space to list their favourite books and recording artists. It is beginning to define who they are. As Facebook becomes ubiquitous, the worry is that relationships in the real world will resemble those in the digital one: transitory, accelerated, pragmatic associations that provide a hit of narcissistic reassurance rather than lasting bonds between close friends.

Facebook?s insistence on feeding ?nostalgia? to us in the form of old photos ? say, of our partner with his ex-girlfriend, or a particularly injudicious update from two years ago ? is forcing social media junkies to maintain, update and police their profiles as regularly as they water their crops in FarmVille.

The Wall Street Journal reported in January 2012 that puberty seems to be kicking in earlier and earlier for young people. ?What teenagers want most of all are social rewards,? wrote Alison Gopnik. It isn?t obscenely fanciful to suppose that endless social reinforcement from new media and over-rewarding video games are having an effect on human development.

Does all this sound far-fetched? Consider one last statistic: by the end of 2011, Facebook was being cited in a third of divorce cases in the UK.

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Analysis: China's nine-dashed line in South China Sea

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Alongside an armada of paramilitary patrol vessels and fishing boats, China has fired off a barrage of historical records to reinforce its claim over a disputed shoal near the Philippines in the South China Sea.

While this propaganda broadside makes it clear Beijing will take a tough line with Manila as a standoff over Scarborough Shoal continues into a seventh week, the exact legal justification for China's claim and the full extent of the territory affected remain uncertain, according to experts in maritime law.

Like most of its claims to vast expanses of the resource-rich and strategically important South China Sea, Beijing prefers to remain ambiguous about the details, they say.

This allows the ruling Communist Party to demonstrate to an increasingly nationalistic domestic audience that it can defend China's right to control a swathe of ocean territory.

And, it avoids further inflaming tensions with neighbors who are already apprehensive about China's growing military power and territorial ambition.

"This ambiguity serves China's domestic purpose which is to safeguard the government's legitimacy and satisfy domestic public opinion," said Sun Yun, a Washington D.C.-based China foreign policy expert and a former analyst for the International Crisis Group in Beijing.


Rival claims to territory in the South China Sea are one of the biggest potential flashpoints in the Asia-Pacific region.

China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei all have territorial claims across a waterway that provides 10 per cent of the global fisheries catch and carries $5 trillion in ship-borne trade. Half the world's shipping tonnage traverses its sea lanes.

The United States, which claims national interests in the South China Sea, recently completed naval exercises with the Philippines near Scarborough Shoal. It is stepping up its military presence in the region as part of a strategic "pivot" towards Asia after more than a decade of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The acrimonious confrontation over Scarborough Shoal, known as Huangyan Island in Chinese, began last month when Beijing ordered its civilian patrol vessels to stop the Philippines arresting Chinese fisherman working in the disputed area.

Beijing and Manila both claim sovereignty over the group of rocks, reefs and small islands about 220 km (132 miles) from the Philippines.

The Philippines says the shoal falls within its 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ), giving it the right to exploit the natural resources in this area.


In a concerted response from Beijing, official government spokesmen, senior diplomats and reports carried by influential state-controlled media outlets have drawn on the histories of earlier dynasties to rebut Manila's claim.

They say the records show China's sailors discovered Huangyan Island 2,000 years ago and cite extensive records of visits, mapping expeditions and habitation of the shoal from the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) right through to the modern period.

To back up these arguments, China has also deployed some of its most advanced paramilitary patrol vessels to the shoal in a calibrated show of strength, for now keeping its increasingly powerful navy at a distance.

A Philippines government spokesman said on Wednesday China had almost 100 Chinese vessels at the shoal, including four government patrol ships. Earlier, Manila demanded that all Chinese vessels leave the area.

China's Foreign Ministry responded on Wednesday that only 20 Chinese fishing boats were in the area, a normal number for this time of the year, and they were operating in accordance with Chinese law.


Maritime lawyers note Beijing routinely outlines the scope of its claims with reference to the so-called nine-dashed line that takes in about 90 percent of the 3.5 million square kilometer South China Sea on Chinese maps.

This vague boundary was first officially published on a map by China's Nationalist government in 1947 and has been included in subsequent maps issued under Communist rule.

While Beijing has no difficulty in producing historical evidence to support its territorial links to many islands and reefs, less material is available to show how it arrived at the nine-dashed line.

In a September, 2008 U.S. diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing reported that a senior Chinese government maritime law expert, Yin Wenqiang, had "admitted" he was unaware of the historical basis for the nine dashes.

In a March, 2008 cable, the embassy reported that a senior Chinese diplomat, Zheng Zhenhua, had handed over a written statement when asked about the scope of this boundary.

"The dotted line of the South China Sea indicates the sovereignty of China over the islands in the South China Sea since ancient times and demonstrates the long-standing claims and jurisdiction practice over the waters of the South China Sea," the statement said, the embassy reported.

Scarborough Shoal falls within the nine-dashed line, as do the Paracel and Spratly Islands, the two most important disputed island groups in the South China Sea.


China insists it has sovereignty over both these groups but it has yet to specify how much of the rest of the territory within the nine-dashed line it intends to claim.

One reason suggested for this lack of clarity is that China, like all of the other claimants except Taiwan, is a signatory to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

If Beijing defined its claim to conform with the provisions of this treaty, it would almost certainly reduce the scope of Chinese territory and expose the government to criticism from vocal nationalists.

Alternatively, if Beijing was to maximize the extent of its claim to include all or most of the territory within the nine-dashed line, it would be difficult to justify under international law and antagonize its neighbors.

"Neither choice leads to a promising prospect," said Sun. "Therefore sticking to the existing path is the most rational."

This means that China is likely to remain vague, experts say, particularly during the current period of heightened political sensitivity ahead of a leadership transition scheduled for later this year.


However, this lack of clarity doesn't mean China's claims over South China Sea territory have less merit than other claimants, experts say.

In the case of Scarborough shoal, Beijing says the land is Chinese territory and the waters surrounding the shoal have been China's traditional fishing grounds for generations.

"This geographic proximity argument the Philippines is using is not necessarily good in international law," says Sam Bateman, a maritime security researcher at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University.

"If China can demonstrate sovereignty, its claim is as good as the Philippines'."

Under the provisions of UNCLOS, a nation with sovereignty over an island can claim a surrounding 12-nautical mile territorial sea.

UNCLOS defines an island as a natural land feature that remains above water at high tide. If the island is inhabitable, it is also entitled to an EEZ and possibly a continental shelf.


However, Beijing has not claimed a territorial sea or an EEZ from any of the features of Scarborough Shoal.

Most maritime experts doubt China will agree to have any claims over the South China Sea heard by the United Nation's International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), the body set up to rule on disputes.

Beijing's policy is to negotiate on the joint exploitation of natural resources in contested areas but rival claimants are reluctant to accept this formula because it could be seen as recognition of China's sovereignty.

Beijing is also increasingly wary about the Obama administration's military "pivot" to Asia designed to counter China's growing power," security experts say.

They suggest Vietnam and the Philippines have already shown greater willingness to challenge China since the U.S. signaled a renewed interest in the region.

"They think they have the U.S. on side," said Bateman.

(Editing by Bill Tarrant)

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Samsung releases Galaxy Note ICS source code

Android Central

As required under the open source rules, Samsung has released its Linux kernel source code -- and other open-source bits -- for the recently-released Android 4.0 firmware for the international Galaxy Note. While the source code itself isn't much for regular users (or even power users) to get excited about, ROM developers will undoubtedly be pouring over this code in the weeks ahead with the aim of bringing better, faster custom firmware to the international Note. Not that this code is for the international Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), not the North American version that goes by a different name -- GT-i717.

To grab the Ice Cream Sandwich code for the Note, head over to the source link, then enter "N7000" in the search box.

Source: Samsung Open Source Release Center

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Thursday 24 May 2012

Same-Sex Marriages under Immigration Law - FilAmNation ...

Atty. Reuben Seguritan

By Reuben S. Seguritan

After years of offering civil unions as an alternative to marriage, President Obama recently expressed support for same-sex marriage. In a dramatic shift from his long-held position, Obama said that same-sex couples should be allowed to get married.

The polarizing issue of same-sex marriages has made the headlines in the United States and abroad, even in the Philippines. It is expected to be one of the social issues to be hotly debated in this year?s presidential elections.

Under the federal system of government, marriage is for state legislatures, not the U.S. Congress, to define. Same-sex marriage is prohibited in 30 states and legal in the District of Columbia and 8 states: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Washington, and Maryland.

For immigration purposes, however, the law that is applied is the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Marriage under the DOMA must be between ?one man and one woman? and a spouse is either a husband or wife ?of the opposite sex?.

Because of this definition, gay and lesbian couples who are married, whether in the United States or in a foreign country, are not considered by immigration authorities to be legally married. This means that a U.S. citizen (USC) or lawful permanent resident (LPR) cannot petition his/her same-sex spouse for a green card.

The Obama administration has taken the position that the section of DOMA restricting marriage to heterosexual couples was unconstitutional and announced last year that it would no longer defend it in federal court challenges.

Several efforts have been introduced to repeal DOMA, one of which is the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA). This bill would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act by allowing a USC or LPR spouse to sponsor his/her same-sex partner for immigration to the U.S. Reintroduced in every Congress since 2000, UAFA now has more co-sponsors than ever before.

The Department of Homeland Security has also issued guidelines on prosecutorial discretion. Although the memorandum does not specifically mention gay and lesbian couples, it considers family ties a favorable factor.

Just recently, a lesbian couple in Vermont was saved from separation after USCIS granted a two-year deferred action in the alien spouse?s removal proceedings. A New Jersey immigration judge last year closed the deportation proceedings of a gay man who was married to a U.S. citizen on the motion of the USCIS that it would no longer pursue the foreign national?s removal.

Unfortunately, relief from removal such as administrative closure or deferred action does not grant lawful immigration status. The answer lies in the repeal of DOMA. Until the law is repealed or declared unconstitutional in a final court decision, its provisions would still be enforced. Since the law continues to deny recognition to same-sex marriages, homosexual foreign nationals face a constant threat of deportation.

The humanitarian considerations underpinning the movement for comprehensive immigration reform also support legal recognition of same-sex marriages. A recent study shows that there are 28,500 same-sex bi-national couples in the United States where one party is a U.S. citizen, and an additional 11,500 couples where neither party is a U.S. citizen. The study found that these couples raised nearly 25,000 children.

More than half (53%) of Americans believe that same-sex marriages should be legally valid according to a 2011 poll. With such strong numbers, it is about time for our lawmakers to recognize the need for immigration fairness and equality.

(Editor?s Note: REUBEN S. SEGURITAN has been practicing law for over 30 years. For more information, you may log on to his website at or call (212) 695-5281.)

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Posted by Admin on May 24 2012. Filed under Articles, Immigration. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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Wednesday 23 May 2012

Michael J. Fox sidelines stem cells for Parkinson's

If ever we develop a DeLorean-based time machine, it would be handy to send information into the past revealing what kind of medical research to focus on.

For years, actor Michael J. Fox was on the front line of the US's "stem cell wars", arguing that embryonic stem cells could cure conditions like his own ? Parkinson's disease.

Last week Fox revealed he now believes that other lines of research hold more promise. "There have been some issues with stem cells, some problems along the way," Fox told ABC News. "An answer may come from stem cell research but it's more than likely to come from another area."

Complicated business

The Michael J. Fox Foundation, based in New York City, is still backing stem cell research, says its chief scientific adviser, Gene Johnson of Washington University in St Louis, but has shifted its emphasis in recent years. "Using stem cells as therapeutic agents is a very complicated business," Johnson says.

Obstacles include working out how to get transplanted cells to integrate into the brain, and developing "off-the-shelf" cell lines that can be used for any recipient.

Meanwhile, other avenues are speeding towards clinical trials. These include neurotrophic factors ? proteins that promote the survival of nerve cells ? as well as antibodies that target the alpha-synuclein protein, which may be a cause of the brain damage seen in Parkinson's.

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Analysis: Did banks cross the line in Facebook research calls?

NEW YORK (Reuters) - As regulators scrutinize Facebook's problem-plagued stock market debut, they may have to confront areas of securities law that do not always clearly spell out what industry analysts are allowed to tell clients about companies on the verge of going public.

Facebook and the Wall Street banks that underwrote its $16 billion initial public offering are facing questions about how and why stock analysts decided to cut their financial forecasts on the company ahead of the IPO.

An Internet analyst at lead underwriter Morgan Stanley told clients days before the offering that he had reduced his revenue projections - information that some other investors may not have received, Reuters reported Tuesday.

JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, which were underwriters on the deal as well, also revised their estimates during Facebook's IPO road show, according to sources familiar with the situation.

The Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth said late Tuesday that his office had issued a subpoena to Morgan Stanley related to the communications involving the analyst. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority also said it plans to look at the matter, while the chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said the agency will examine unspecified issues stemming from Facebook's IPO.

Morgan Stanley said late Tuesday that its procedures for the social media company's IPO were "in compliance with all applicable regulations."

Several rules and regulations could be relevant in any investigation into whether analysts violated disclosure rules, given their banks' access to confidential information from Facebook in the IPO process.

Another important area of inquiry could be whether analysts chose only favored clients to share their forecast revisions with - although such selective treatment may not be prohibited. But even if the conduct does not cross the line legally, it could damage a firm's reputation in the eyes of retail clients who feel left out.

The timing of the Morgan Stanley analyst's forecast revision surprised some investors, who said it may have contributed to the weak performance of Facebook shares. It has also raised questions about access to information and whether federal securities laws were violated.

So-called "gun jumping" rules set out by the SEC, for example, regulate the communications that can be made about an issuer outside its prospectus.

Generally, information disseminated cannot be inconsistent with what is provided in the prospectus, said Adam Pritchard, a securities law professor at the University of Michigan and a former SEC enforcement attorney.

But Pritchard added that there is an exception for oral communications.

"That's the big exception to the gun-jumping rules," he said.

When public companies selectively disclose information, they can run afoul of a rule known as Regulation Fair Disclosure, which requires that material information be disclosed to investors at the same time. But that rule would not apply to information that Facebook provided to its underwriters before it went public, according to securities law experts.

Another set of rules that could be relevant address the communications made by the underwriters. One rule prohibits an analyst who works at the firm underwriting the offering from issuing a report on a company before it goes public.

The Morgan Stanley analyst, Scott Devitt, gave his revision to major clients of the firm in at least one conference call, though it's unclear if his revised view was also spread more widely. Devitt did not return a phone message seeking comment.

An oral communication by an analyst may not violate the rule on prohibited research reports, said Jill Fisch, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

"If the analyst is just cautioning a customer on what the disclosure means or what's in the prospectus, I'm not sure that is technically inconsistent with the rule," she said.

Provisions of a 2003 settlement that regulators reached with investment banks could also come into play. Major Wall Street banks agreed to reforms after they were accused of using their research units to hype initial public offerings that analysts privately held in low regard.

Under that settlement, the banks agreed to take steps to ensure the independence of their research units. They agreed, for example, to prohibit analysts from participating in road shows and other efforts to solicit investment banking business.

If an analyst were found to be working with the investment bankers taking a company public, that could be a violation of the settlement, said Thomas Gorman, a partner at the law firm Dorsey & Whitney and author of the SEC Actions blog.

He suggested that Wall Street's history with IPOs shows that these offerings can be rife with conflicts for banks.

"Morgan Stanley's researchers should not be opining on the IPO at the same time they are acting as lead underwriters," he said.

(Reporting By Martha Graybow; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)

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Tuesday 22 May 2012

Powell not ready to endorse Obama for re-election (The Arizona Republic)

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Could Compound in Artificial Sweeteners Worsen Crohn's Disease?

MONDAY, May 21 (HealthDay News) -- The food additive maltodextrin, commonly used in some artificial sweeteners, may worsen Crohn's disease by encouraging the growth of E. coli bacteria in the small intestine, a new study suggests.

However, researchers stressed that the findings are preliminary and the tests were conducted in the lab, not in people, so it's too soon to advise those with the inflammatory bowel disease to avoid maltodextrin.

Maltodextrin is a white powder used in many processed foods as a thickener or a filler, including the artificial sweeteners Splenda and Equal, along with cereal, canned fruits, packaged desserts, instant pudding, sauces and salad dressings. Maltodextrin, typically derived from corn or wheat starch, is also used in some medication coatings.

In the study, researchers placed Equal, Splenda and another sweetener, Stevia, in a dish along with E. coli bacteria taken from people with Crohn's disease. While E. coli is commonly found in the digestive tract of humans, it's usually found in the large intestine, explained senior study author Christine McDonald, assistant staff in the pathobiology department at the Cleveland Clinic's Lerner Research Institute. Prior research has found that people with Crohn's tend to have E. coli in their small intestine.

Though the precise role that E. coli plays in Crohn's is unknown, it's thought that the bacteria may contribute to the inflammation that marks the condition.

When grown in the dish with the Equal (which contains aspartame, dextrose and maltodextrin) and the Splenda (which contains sucralose, dextrose and maltodextrin), the E. coli grew stickier, forming a thick biofilm, according to the researchers. The same didn't happen with the Stevia, which is made from the leaves of a South American plant and does not contain maltodextrin.

Researchers then repeated the experiments, culturing E. coli with maltodextrin alone, and the same sticky biofilm formed.

"In the lab, the E. coli becomes stickier, and it sticks to intestinal cells," said McDonald, who conducted the research with graduate student Kourtney Nickerson. "But we haven't tested this in animals to see if there is a particular amount you need to eat to have this effect. It may be that in people who have other risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease, this may tip them over the edge."

The study, which was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, was to be presented Monday at the Digestive Disease Week meeting in San Diego.

Crohn's disease is an inflammation of the digestive tract that can lead to swelling, pain and ulcers. Although the disease can affect any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus, the most common spot is the small intestine.

It's unknown what causes the disease, although it's believed that microbes -- along with genetics and other environmental factors -- play a role, said Dr. Jerrold Turner, an associate chair in the department of pathology at the University of Chicago.

A healthy gut contains a multitude of bacteria that aid in the digestion of food and extraction of nutrients from foods. A healthy intestine has a layer of mucus that keeps the bacteria away from the lining of the intestine itself. Prior studies have found that, in people with Crohn's, the thickness of that mucus layer decreases, meaning there are more bacteria directly on the cells lining the intestine, possibly leading to inflammation, Turner explained.

The sticky biofilm may also mean there are more bacteria on the lining of the intestines, McDonald said.

No specific diet has been shown to prevent or treat Crohn's disease, according to the U.S. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. However, the incidence of Crohn's has been rising in the United States in recent decades, leading researchers to suspect that something about the modern American diet is contributing.

In addition, many people with the disease notice that certain foods or types of foods seem to make their symptoms worse.

McDonald said people with Crohn's may want to try avoiding maltodextrin and see if their symptoms improve, but she and Turner both said more needs to be learned before they recommend that people with Crohn's or a susceptibility to Crohn's avoid the additive.

"It's a very interesting and provocative finding, and [it] may tell us something about the bacteria and what is happening in the intestines, but it's really too preliminary to make any recommendations," Turner said.

A group representing the artificial sweetener industry said the finding was too preliminary to prompt any changes in how artificial sweeteners are made or sold.

"This study was done on cells in petri dishes, therefore it is not possible to apply these findings to humans," the Calorie Control Council said in a statement released Monday. "Even the researcher has stated that it is too early to conclude that maltodextrin promotes disease. Further research is needed before any human nutrition recommendations can be made."

Because this study was presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.

More information

The U.S. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse has more on Crohn's.

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The web is littered with promises of making millions by tea-time or by having so much money coming in you won?t know what to do with it all. The secret, by the way, is to have a simple ebook which tells your customers to set up a website telling people how to make millions, which sells a ?secret?, which is an ebook telling their customers how to set up a website to sell an ebook which has a ?secret? which?.you get my drift?! The promise of millions does work though ? for the first person in the chain who sells millions of books to hapless individuals who think you can become rich without working for it. Inheritance is one thing, but if you want to create new wealth you have to work for it.

But you knew that didn?t you? In fact you don?t even have to think about it ? you just ?know?. There is plenty of psychological research confirming that our subconscious ?gut instincts? are right far more than they are ever wrong. If you feel in you heart something isn?t right, then it almost certainly is not. No amount of analytical, logical effort will find otherwise.

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Monday 21 May 2012

Catholic dioceses, colleges sue over Obama mandate

(AP) ? Dozens of Roman Catholic dioceses, schools and other institutions sued the Obama administration Monday over a government mandate requiring most employers to provide birth control coverage as part of their employee health plans.

The lawsuits filed in federal courts around the country represent the largest push against the mandate since President Barack Obama announced the policy in January. Among those suing are the University of Notre Dame, the Archdioceses of Washington, New York and Michigan, and the Catholic University of America.

"We have tried negotiation with the administration and legislation with the Congress, and we'll keep at it, but there's still no fix," said New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "Time is running out, and our valuable ministries and fundamental rights hang in the balance, so we have to resort to the courts now."

The U.S. Health and Human Services Department adopted the rule to improve health care for women. Last year, an advisory panel from the Institute of Medicine, which advises the federal government, recommended including birth control on the list of covered services, partly because it promotes maternal and child health by allowing women to space their pregnancies.

However, faith leaders from across religious traditions protested, saying the mandate violates religious freedom. The original rule includes a religious exemption that allows houses of worship to opt-out of the mandate, but keeps the requirement in place for religiously affiliated charities.

In response to the political furor, Obama offered to soften the rule so that insurers would pay for birth control instead of religious groups. However, the bishops and others have said that the accommodation doesn't go far enough.

Health and Human Services spokeswoman Erin Shields said Monday that the department does not comment on pending litigation.

Notre Dame's president, the Rev. John Jenkins, said in a statement that the school decided to sue "after much deliberation, discussion and efforts to find a solution acceptable to the various parties." The university argued that the mandate violates religious freedom by requiring many religiously affiliated hospitals, schools and charities to comply.

"We do not seek to impose our religious beliefs on others," Jenkins said. "We simply ask that the government not impose its values on the university when those values conflict with our religious teachings."

Other religious colleges and institutions have already filed federal suit over the mandate, but observers had been closely watching for Notre Dame's next step.

The university, among the best-known Catholic schools in the country, has indicated past willingness to work with President Barack Obama, despite their differences with him on abortion and other issues. Notre Dame came under unprecedented criticism from U.S. bishops and others in 2009 for inviting Obama, who supports abortion rights, as commencement speaker and presenting him with an honorary law degree.

Associated Press

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2 killed as Syria conflict spills over into Lebanon

Bilal Hussein / AP

Anti-Syrian gunmen seek cover during deadly overnight clashes in Beirut, Lebanon, early on Monday.

By news services

BEIRUT --?Gunmen fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns early Monday in intense street battles in the Lebanese capital, killing at least two people and wounding 18 others as fears mounted that the conflict in neighboring Syria was bleeding across the border.

The clashes in Beirut's Tariq al-Jadideh district were some of the fiercest since sectarian fighting four years ago brought Lebanon back to the brink of civil war.

Lebanon and Syria share a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries, which are easily inflamed. Last week, clashes sparked by the Syrian crisis?killed at least eight people and wounded dozens in the northern city of Tripoli.

The revolt in Syria began 15 months ago, and there are fears the unrest will lead to a regional conflagration that could draw in neighboring countries. The U.N. estimates the conflict has killed more than 9,000 people since March 2011.

The violence in Beirut followed the killing of two members of a political alliance opposed to Syrian President Bashar Assad on Sunday in the north of the country.

Residents in the northern region of Akkar blocked roads and burned tires to protest against the killing and demonstrations spread south to the main coastal highway and to Beirut, where several roads were cut off.

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A Reuters cameraman in Tariq al-Jadideh said shooting could be heard for almost seven hours overnight.

A roadside bomb exploded in Douma, Syria this weekend near a United Nations convoy carrying the head of a Syria ceasefire monitoring mission and a senior U.N. Official. NBC's Ayman Mohyeldin reports.

Security sources said the fighting pitted gunmen from the Future Movement, loyal to anti-Syrian former Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, against the pro-Syrian Arab Movement Party headed by Shaker Barjawi.

The state news agency said two people were killed and 18 wounded.

Fragile political faultline?
The fighting underscores how the bloodshed in Syria, where Assad's regime is cracking down on an uprising against his rule, is inflaming emotions in its tiny neighbor Lebanon. Lebanon has a fragile political faultline precisely over the issue of Syria.

There is an array of?die-hard?pro-Syrian Lebanese parties and politicians, as well as support for the regime on the street level. There is an equally deep hatred of Assad among other Lebanese who fear Damascus is still calling the shots here. The two sides are the legacy of Syria's virtual rule over Lebanon from 1976 to 2005 and its continued influence since.

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The fighting was the among the most intense fighting in Beirut since May 2008, when gunmen from the Shiite Hezbollah militant group swept through Sunni neighborhoods after the pro-Western government tried to dismantle the group's telecommunications network.

More than 80 people were killed in the 2008 violence, pushing the country to the brink of civil war.

There was no sign that Hezbollah was involved in the latest violence.

'Critical period'
Many of Lebanon's Sunni Muslims sympathize with Syria's Sunni-led uprising against Assad, whose father sent forces into Lebanon during its 1975-1990 civil war. The Syrian army finally pulled out in 2005 under international pressure.

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Prime Minister Najib Mikati said on Sunday: "The government is determined to continue to shoulder its national responsibilities amid this critical period in Lebanon and the region, and it will take all measures necessary to preserve civil peace."

World powers remain divided on how to end Syria's crisis. The U.S. and other Western and Arab nations have called for Assad to leave power, and the U.S. and European Union have placed increasingly stiff sanctions on Damascus. But with Russia and China blocking significant new U.N. punishments, U.S. officials are trying to get consensus among other allies about ways to promote Assad's ouster.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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