Monday 17 September 2012

Are you a Dalek? Changing perceptions of the ... - Hypnosis Self Help


The chains that bind us to the past

In a recent BBC Dr Who programme the Daleks memories of the Doctor or Predator, as they knew him, were wiped clean.? Apart from opening up a whole new relationship for the Doctor and the Daleks, it meant that they had forgotten the Doctor and all the fear and hatred they had for him.


Imagine what would happen if you could get rid of fears and worries as easily?? If you could change your perception of past hurts and fears so that you could get on with living in the present and the future, who would you be?


Getting stuck in the past


I?m not suggesting that we mind-wipe memories from people as they are what help us be ?us?.? We, hopefully, learn from past experiences, the bad and the good, so that we grow and change as a result of what has happened to us.? However, sometimes we can get ?stuck? in a traumatic experience from the past.? The past trauma has not been processed and allowed to sit with other, less remarkable, memories in the past and this is reflected in their present-day attitudes and ways of coping with situations.



I can?t move on


I have been working recently with a lady in her 50?s who, as a child, had been badly abused by a family member (now dead). ?She came to me for help to cope with the after-effects of breast cancer surgery.? During one of the sessions this past abuse was raised as it was creating problems for her and her ability to cope with her current situation. Because of her circumstances she had more time on her hands and these old memories were now playing more and more on her mind.? She wanted some release from them.? Working together using a combination of IEMT and hypnosis we have managed to change the emotional attachment to those memories of abuse.? She can still remember events but they have reduced in their emotional intensity. ?She is now able to think about other things and look forward to living her life with out those specific fears and worries.



Using your own resources


Our minds or neural networks are amazing and we still don?t fully understand how we remember and create experiences.? As more and more research is carried into the mind/body connection and the use of mindfulness, hypnosis, nlp and other techniques, there is increasing evidence showing benefits at the level of our DNA and genes.? I?ve mentioned research before now proving how much impact the power of suggestion has.? There is more research into the use of unconscious stimuli to change perceptions of pain.? The placebo effect is being researched more and more as a way of helping people tap into their natural abilities to help heal themselves.


Hypnosis and other techniques can help people make great changes to their perception of things whether that is controlling pain as in childbirth or dentistry, overcoming phobias or changing memories either helping lessen ?bad? one?s or improving and using happy one?s.


Imagine being able to access happy memories or times when you felt confident and resourceful just by putting your finger and thumb together or by saying a word to yourself?? Imagine being helped to change the memory of a specific fearful event and being able to then lead your life more fully as a result?


Why? Because you?re worth it! (to quote a well known ad)




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