Sunday 28 April 2013

Need some relationship advice - Empty Closets - A safe online ...

So I have known this girl for 7 weeks, I met her on facebook because she was one of my friends best friends. We started talking on status and the next thing I know we are both flirting with each other, we starting talking on messages and I asked her if she wanted to met with me so we could see each over for the first time.

It went really well and the other 5 dates as well, one date for every week but these last to weeks we haven't been able to meet up which I am finding upsetting and I think not seeing each other is starting to affect the relationship badly. She has started talking less, her answers are shorter, it is hard/impossible to keep a conversation going with her and I just get the feeling she isn't interested anymore.

I don't want to be over reacting but I am starting to think she doesn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore, I haven't lost interest in her at all but I do find it hard to get her to open up to me. I just don't know what to do, I want to meet up with her again but it would have to be next Saturday because of college. I am worried if I ask though that she will not want/able to come.

Can anyone please tell me what I should do! I know I am going to have to talk to her about it but I am seriously thinking that if I do she is going to break up with me Please help!!


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