Friday 6 January 2012

Why is okay...

Because the application of self-defense does not care to differentiate between genders. Assault is assault, no matter the gender. Even in domestic disputes this is the rule. Retaliating with excessive force against anyone--whether male or female--is an entirely different matter, and yet is a more relevant question in reference to human society. If a female hits a male, or vice versa, there must be an immediate consideration of what constitutes excessive, retaliatory force and that level of force must not be applied readily. It is so much better for civilization, and the persons involved, if they both walk away with bruises rather than one in jail and the other in the hospital.

"There comes a time in the affairs of men when he must prepare to defend not only his home alone but the tenets of faith and humanity upon which his church, his government, his very civilization are founded."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1941


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