Thursday 10 January 2013

Thousands of Sandy damaged vehicles parked temporarily on ...

Stan Honda / AFP - Getty Images

Tens of thousands of vehicles damaged by super storm Sandy are being temporarily stored on runways and taxiways at Calverton Executive Airpark in Calverton, N.Y., on Jan. 9.

Stan Honda / AFP - Getty Images

Vehicles damaged by super storm Sandy fill the runways at Calverton Executive Airpark in Calverton, N.Y., on Jan. 9.

Insurance Auto Auctions Inc., a salvage auto auction company specializing in total-loss vehicles, acquired cars and trucks damaged by super storm Sandy and are temporarily storing them at Calverton Executive Airpark in Calverton, N.Y.

The cars are expected to be removed from the site within three to six months, and will be auctioned online to a variety of buyers.

The company made a deal with the town of Riverhead, N.Y., to store the vehicles at the airport for nearly $3 million.

- AFP-Getty Images and?


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