Tuesday 19 March 2013

A werecat roleplay

Ok so I'm still working this out but here's my idea

A group of women (four or five I'm not sure yet) all go out for a girls night after one of them is cheated on and dumped by her boyfriend. The town they live in isn't big when you count the number of people living there but it has a lot of acreage because it's a town that has lots of farms and ranches as well as plenty of dense forest. The town is also a neutral zone for two werecat prides, one to the west the other to the east.

So then after the women have a little too much to drink they decide to walk to the nearest house belonging to one of the group. The house is about a mile and a half from the bar that they were at and in their drunken state they figured they could make it. These girls aren't exactly delicate because they all have done work on their families farm or ranch growing up. The road they take goes from pavement to dirt and city to forest. Before they are able to get to the house they are attacked by a werecat, which resemble large black panthers.

The girls are close to the eastern borders of the city when the attack happens but it isn't the eastern pride that did it but the western. Werecats have a problem in that they don't give birth to many females. The Eastern pride has been blessed with two while the western pride recently lost their one and only to hunters (Regular people not humans who specifically hunt them) who mistook her for big game. The attack by one of the western prides cats (Not the Alpha) was in desperation to try and change the girls, something that is punishable by death according to werecat laws. Unfortunately one of the girls die during the attack so the cat panics and abandons the girls who have various injuries.

One girl who isn't as severely injured as the others and who still happens to be conscious tries to go for help, this is when an eastern pride cat coming back from the city after a day of getting supplies for his ranch sees her in the road and stops to help her but before she can tell him what happened she passes out.

The roleplay would begin after this event, the other girls are taken in by the western pride after he is told what had went on and the one girl who tried to go for help would be in the care of the eastern pride. There will be conflict, romance, and other such things.

So if anyone is interested let me know and if I get enough people I would start the RP up right away. I'm also open to suggestions and possibly a Co-GM.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/3h2PZlgVfYA/viewtopic.php

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