Friday 22 March 2013

Adventure Time (Simon and Marcy) Partner Search.

Yes! Adventure Time! =D With the much anticipated "Simon and Marcy" episode less than a week away, my craving for a roleplay with the two has been rekindled. Anyone up for a one on one with this?


- I would like to play Marceline. This is not negotiable, sorry.

- Obviously, this is going to include some spoilers if you haven't reached the last of season four. That, and imagination. We don't know everything about this friendship (yet!), so we'll have to create some non-canon events and such. After the episode airs, we can possibly change some things up, or just keep what we have going.

- I'd like this to be dark, dramatic, heart-warming, and sad...With a splash of humor. Everything you'd think a plot with Marcy and Simon would be. Yes, I'm just begging to cry. Apparently, 'I Remember You' didn't make me sad enough. ;_; The general plot would center mostly around the two going through the Mushroom War, Marcy growing up, and Simon gradually going insane. I don't want Marceline to be a child throughout it all, if that's okay.

- I'd rather this not be a romance, at least not between Simon and Marcy. There can be some one-sided Ice King and Marceline, but that's about it. We can draw romance in in other ways, but I cross the line at the main two actually being together, sorry.

- The timeline for this...Is most likely wrong. Like stated above, we can change some things up once the canon story is revealed.

- Marceline is not Simon's biological daughter. I'll play with any idea except that one.

- No abundance of OC's, please.

About Me:

- I try to be fast with my replies, but some days...I'm just slow. Especially if I've had a busy day, and just want to relax. I don't want to feel forced to post, okay? I have a lot of patience, so I expect my partner to, as well.

- The only character I really, truly would like to play is Marcy. I can play anyone else, for the most part, as long as my partner has Simon/Ice King covered.

- I try to get at least a good paragraph with each post. Sometimes more, sometimes less. It all depends on what I'm given to work with. Please remember, I don't like being kept to any kind of post minimum or limit. I get what I get, please respect that. If you'd rather I give you a little more for a post every now and then, I'd be happy to oblidge, but don't take advantage of that.

Who I'm Looking For:

- Someone with ideas! An imagination! I don't want to be left doing all the work! Of course, this means someone who actually likes Adventure Time...Obviously.

- Can play Simon/Ice King.

- Someone who won't randomly ditch me. I'll admit, sometimes I'm online and put off replying because I'm busy with something else...Or I'm just feeling like a horrible procrastinator (or just don't know how to reply at that moment). But I always come back to reply when I can. I expect the same courtesy. If you're getting bored, tell me! I won't bite! We can either change things up, do something else, or simply go our seperate ways. Same with if you're going on vacation/hiatus. There's no excuse to not tell me (unless it's abrupt and you have no time, or an emergency came up. I completely understand those.)

- Willing to play another canon character, if any come up. I'll play others, too, but I refuse to juggle them all.

So...Anyone interested? I don't have a set plot for this...Just them going through their own situations together. We can plan out what happens, or just jump in and see where we take each other. Whichever my partner prefers.


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